Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Revelation

I have begin to become overwhelmed with just how many material possessions I have accumulated. Some of the things I have purchased because they were on sale, or they were an impulse item. Saving money has fallen by the wayside and hundreds (or thousands) of dollars are spent each month on basically...nothing. I have become envious of those with just what they need. Do I really need 3 of the same item, but they are all slightly different? I find myself digging around in nooks and crannies just looking for one thing. I have bags of things just piling up all over and feel embarrassed when people come over and find cleaning up anything a real battle.

I have come to a decision: to simplify my life.

All I need is one of each essential thing. I have decided to go through all my "stuff" and decide to do 1 of 4 things with it:

1. Throw it away (or shred/recycle it). Do I really need to accumulate all that paper?
2. Donate it. Clothes I do not wear any longer.
3. Keep it as the one thing I need.
4. Sell it on eBay and use the money to buy a quality thing.

What do I mean? I mean I may have 7 jackets that are all slightly different that were purchased for whatever random reason. What if I donate or sell those 7 jackets and spend a little more than I normally would on 1 quality, sturdy, reliable jacket I know will last many, many years. I would not care wearing it over and over again because I am not fashion conscience and I do not need to buy trendy things.

This blog is my way of keeping a journal of goals I set, stuff I purge my life of, money I save, and striving for a simplifed life of 1 perfect things.

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